Trinity’s women are very active in Presbyterian Women at the presbytery and synod levels. A group of Trinity’s ladies travel twice a year to gatherings throughout the state of Utah and have been known to visit Wyoming PW in nearby Mountain Home. Every three years a delegation travels to the Churchwide Gathering and to the Synod PW gathering.

Presbyterian Women (PW) at Trinity are organized into one circle, Sophia, which meets monthly for lunch, Bible study using the Horizons publication, fellowship, and prayer. We coordinate a telephone prayer chain in cooperation with an email prayer chain, and participate in Church Women United events. Annually, we lead a "Celebrate the Gifts of Women" worship service, coordinate a mitten tree during the holidays, and sew or purchase mission project items for Weber County mission programs.

We are also the umbrella organizer for the Loving Hands group, which meets monthly, except in winter, for craft and mission sewing. We participate annually in a Holiday Boutique at First Presbyterian Church. All of our meetings are open to all interested ladies, members and friends of Trinity. Come and join us.
PW Moderator
Marilynn Collins
p: 801-866-7007
PW Treasurer
Aloha Whitney
p. 801-589-5960
PW Secretary
Aloha Whitney
p: 801-589-5960
Loving Hands Coordinators
Marilynn Collins
p: 801-866-7007
Mig Neiswanger
p: 801-479-0135