Our congregation is made up of people with all kinds of struggles and that's okay. Our imperfections allow us to see the world with eyes of compassion. We know what it is like to hurt. As a community of faith we seek to foster our relationships with the world, with our community, and with our Creator. We celebrate the image of Christ in every person we encounter, regardless of how "messy" they are. Responding to God's love, we gather to be a healing, authentic, creative and playful community. Through worship, education, fellowship, and compassionate action we extend Christ's extravagant welcome to a messy world.
We are a proud member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) - The largest Presbyterian denomination in North America. More than two million people call the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) their spiritual home. Worshiping in 10,000 Presbyterian congregations throughout the United States, they engage the communities in which they live and serve with God’s love.

Matthew 25 Congregation
Trinity Presbyterian Church belongs to the Presbyterian Church (USA) Matthew 25 initiative. Following Christ's statements in Matthew 25:31-46, we are called to actively engage in the world around us, including with the "least of these". The Matthew 25 program has three leading initiatives: dismantling structural racism, eradicating systematic poverty, and building congregational vitality. We participate in these efforts along with the intersectional priorities of climate change and gender justice.
We engage in efforts to directly help those in need as well as addressing the root of the related issues.
We are thrilled to be a More Light Church! People who are LGBTQ+ are not only welcome, but needed and wanted as a part of our faith community.
We affirm the following mission: Following the risen Christ, and seeking to make the Church a true community of hospitality, the mission of More Light Presbyterians is to work for the full participation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) people in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and in society.